Saturday, October 16, 2010


I kind of hate gaming forums. Mostly it's all the hate and posturing that bores me and I can never seem to be a very prolific poster. All the creative talk seems to go out the window, give or take, when people mention certain companies or editions.

There has been a couple of threads about the original dnd movie that encapsulate why forums, at the end of the day, suck more than they are cool. I can understand why people might not like it, it's pretty camp but wasn't that kind of the point? For whatever reason, it gets a lot of heat from what seems to be the majority of forum users. What I find hilarious is when people slam movies like this one and praise movies like The Gamers.

I'm not saying The Gamers is a bad movie, I liked it for what it was, but to somehow rip apart an entertaining movie for it's camp aesthetics, over-acting and ridiculous script only to praise another one who emphasises the same elements just turns me off the whole forum crowd.